
Astronomy is one of the most large scale topics, we're negligible compared to the things that make up time-space so it's important to explore all the aspects of it. Some basic things for the composition of these Astral Structures are that Astral masses are mainly composed of Hydrogen and Helium. Black Holes have Hydrogen Cyanide near their centerThe particles of Wormholes are tangled. Nebulae have Carbon,Hydrogen,Oxygen,Nitrogen,Neon and Helium.


Pulsars are highly magnetized and they rotate neutron stars.


Quasars are emit strong light. Quasars are black holes surrounded by gas.


When Stars collapse they become Neutron Stars. Stars that rotate around each other are called Binary Stars.


There are at least 100 billion confirmed Galaxies. The Milky Way our Galaxy is 100,000 light years long


A Nebula is a space cloud of space debris. There are Emission,Dark, and Reflection Nebulae


Supernovas occur as a star dies. There are two types of Supernovae one is from a white dwarf, the other from a helium core.

Black Holes

Black Holes have insane gravitational pull. Black Holes are involved in the quantum field theory.


Wormholes link to different areas of space-time. Wormholes are theorized to allow time-travel.

Additional Information

For more information about these Astral Masses please visit the link here